Obesity Ethics and Harms
This product is delivered as a Digital Download of Audio (mp3) and Document/text files (pdf). The recorded lectures were delivered in a classroom setting by Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist, Clinical Nutritionist, and founder of the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism (NAIMH).
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- Review clinical trials and comprehensive meta-analyses in the field of weight loss.
- See what happens to The Biggest Losers when they are followed for five years.
- Survey the attitudes of weight stigmatization common among the general public, medical professionals, nutritionists, and herbalists.
- Learn the scientific and logical fallacies in the idea that one can simply eat less and exercise more to lose weight.
- Review the science on the correlation of BMI with health and mortality.
- Review the pathophysiology of obesity as a metabolic disorder.
- Learn the endocrine roles and interaction of white and brown adipose tissue with the endocrine system.
- Learn some of the root causes of obesity.
- Learn the role of insulin resistance in some obese patients and learn which patients can benefit from methods to normalize insulin function.
- Review the physiology of ketosis and ketogenic diets, and how to determine which patients might benefit from them and which will not.
- Learn the role of food intolerance in abnormal weight gain, and the value of screening with elimination and rechallenge before attempting to lose weight.
- Learn a nutritional protocol that can correct deficiencies that tend to cause obesity.
Click here for a free sample of this audio lecture:
“When you enter into the science of obesity, it resembles more the realm of religious belief rather than science,” writes science writer Gary Taubes. In this course we review accurately the actual science on weight loss attempts, beginning with the three meta-analyses which summarize the effects of all previously published clinical trials. All three reached the same conclusion: It is medically unethical to advise a patient to restrict calories in order to lose weight. Unethical because it is well established in repeated trials that such attempts provide no benefit to health, that those who diet, when followed long term, gain more weight than those who do nothing. On the other hand, dieting readily causes metabolic and psychological injury.
Materials Included
- 6 audio modules containing a total of 58 audio recordings (5 hours in all)
- More than 140 slides to accompany the lectures
- Supplementary notes, readings, and 13 full-text research articles
- Ethics and Weight Loss
- Body Mass Index
- Metabolism and Obesity
- Causes of Obesity
- Science review
- Ketosis, Diets, and Nutrition
Important Information
This product is delivered as a Digital Download of audio and print files. After you purchase this course you will see a link to download the zip file and you will receive an emailed link that will last for 30 days. Once you download the zip file you will need to extract or unzip the files to access the audios and reading materials.
The recorded lectures were delivered by NAIMH Director Paul Bergner in a classroom setting. These audios are a part of the curriculum for the ACORN School of Herbal Medicine’s Advanced Herbalism in the Vitalist Tradition program. We are making these audios accessible for self-study and independent learning. These independent study audio lectures are for personal use only (copyright laws apply). They do not come with faculty support, grading, or a certificate of completion.
Our online programs offer deeper instruction and guidance to apply the teachings within these audio recorded lectures, where you can earn a certificate of completion. If you would like faculty support within a community learning environment to enrich your educational experience, please see our webpage to learn more about certificate programs https://www.acornherbschool.com/online-programs